Weitere Titel (8)
- GND-Kennung 134416791
- GND-ID 134416791
- GND-Nummer 134416791
- GND 134416791
- GND ID 134416791
- GND identifier 134416791
- Gemeinsame Normdatei ID 134416791
- Gemeinsame Normdatei identifier 134416791
Identifikator in der von der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek herausgegebenen internationalen Normdatei für Personennamen, Körperschaften und Schlagworte
- 134416791
- Erstellt: 4.4.1998, 00:00:00
- Zuletzt bearbeitet: 16.11.2019, 20:21:54
Normdaten (Orte)
- Datenanreicherung
- Verknüpfte Personen:
- Janzer, Georges (1914–1989)
- Geburtsort
- Janzer, Georges (1914–1989)
- Verknüpfte Personen:
Normdaten (Personen)
- Primärer Nachweis
Janzer, Georges (1914–1989)
- Lebensdaten:Geboren 1914 in BudapestGestorben 1989
- Beschreibung:
Georges Janzer was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1914, the year when the human race embroiled itself in an infernal blood letting. His native country, as a result of World War I, lost most of its territory and lived under Fascist domination. A quarter of a century later, total madness took over and World War II was unleashed. As a consequence Hungary fell under the Russian Communist yoke. In 1946 Georges Janzer left his beloved country and 43 years later, in October 1989, he fell asleep and passed away in front of his television, probably watching the rebirth of his country, declaring its independence from foreign domination. Georges studied at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest and was a student of Studer and of Zathureczky, who later taught at IU. Georges earned an advanced degree "with great distinction" from the Conservatoire de Musique in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1934. He was a concertmaster of the Budapest Municipal Orchestra, performing with the leading conductors and soloists of the time. Also, for 37 years, he was a member of the Vegh String Quartet. While a member of this group, he toured the world and performed thousands of concerts and recording the major part of the string quartet repertory. After World War II he married cellist Eva Czako, and the couple, together with Belgian violinist Arthur Grumiaux, formed the Grumiaux Trio. They toured widely and recorded the string trio repertory and other chamber music works. His distinguished honors in recordings included the Grand Prix De Disques with the Vegh Quartet and the Grand Prix De Disques Des Audteurs with the Grumiaux Trio. During his career as a performer, Georges also taught for nine years as professor of viola at the Dusseldorf Conservatory of Music. The Janzers joined the Indiana University faculty in 1972.
- Geschlecht:
- männlich
- Weitere Namen:
- Janzer, Georges
- Berufe / Tätigkeiten:
- Lebensdaten:
Normdaten (Schlagworte) (3)
- Datenanreicherung
- Personen:
- Datenanreicherung
- Personen:
- Datenanreicherung
- Personen: